Do Not Disturb


Ohh we open with Hannah’s parents announcing that they are back together! You know what they say…..


Why is Hannah waking up wearing a lace negligee and HIGH HEELS? That outfit is what a 20-year old thinks “grown up” women wear to bed in “grown up” relationships.

And what is Spencer’s negligee??! NO!  That’s not even comfortable nor is it cute.

Oh before her egg retrieval Emily shows her Canadian side! She says “aboot“! How adorable!

Mona is baaaaaackkkk!

Ohhhh what were Hannah’s mom and Sara scheming about??

Ummm….egg donation does not require surgery, general anesthesia OR a hospital stay! WTF! It’s done under conscious sedation and you go home an hour later. Basically the writers realized that they needed a hospital, vulnerable situation so that Sara could sneak in and do some shady stuff and they thought “let’s just tell the viewers this is how egg donation works!”  The issue that I take with this is that a super-easy google search would have cleared this malarky up…..

WAIT, earlier that day the couple called and said they don’t need the eggs, why didn’t the hospital let her know ASAP, before  the procedure?? The procedure was not first thing in the morning so they had ample time to let her know BEFORE! WTF?!

Was Aria just kidnapped?? Someone gave Emily a dozen eggs?! How does a dozen eggs prove to be a viable threat?? I’d be like “oh, they had access to Publix, cool…”


PLL Last Dance Top Tweets #PLLMoms

The hashtag #PLLMoms has made this episode the best thing to happen to my twitter feed.

I have decided to post my favorites here so that we can laugh together at the hilarity that ensued once that bottle of wine was opened:

PLL: No Stones Unturned

ZOMG, Leslie’s last name is Stone….the title…get it? GET IT!?!? THIS SHOW IS SOOOOO METAAAAAAA…

Hannah is still being mean to Caleb, passive aggressive really. Her attitude is actually the only realistic-teenaged thing about this show! It’s…refreshing!

Hannah’s flirtatiousness is extremely endearing but also EXTREMELY SEXIST–“Thank god one of us has a brain!” With a self deprecating giggle? Really? There are other ways to flirt without discounting your own intelligence!  Buuut given who her mother is, I am not surprised.

This Australian girl is pretty but a REALLY bad actress–I’m not buying what she’s selling. UNLESS, she’s intentionally bad because she’s lying to Ezra to throw him off because SHE’S really A?

Just kidding, Charles is definitely alive and A.

Wow between Sarah and the Aussie, Emily is basically the Joey Tribbiani of this show–you’re probably too young who know who that is, but the kids of the 90s remember him well!

DA FUQ–THEY WERE MICROCHIPPED LIKE DOGS?!  That’s messed up, even for this show. That explains how A always knows where they are but A must be a BILLIONAIRE. A bored billionaire.

FEIGNED SURPRISE: Omg Charles ISN’T dead?! No one expected that…..

PLL: She’s No Angel

We open with a strange girl who is filthy and in some sort of basement performing ballet that is very reminiscent of Sia’s music video for Elastic Heart. VERY similar dance. I wonder if it’s the same dancer. 

UPDATE: I was right! It is her!!!! It’s Maddie Ziegler!!

OMG Spencer’s open mouthed chewing is SO GROSS! Maybe it’s my mysophonia but that brief exaggerating chewing intended to show us how anxious Spencer is was the worst 10 seconds of TV!

My mom just got back from Curves“–Spencer’s mom works out a gym that super popular in the late 90s?!!

Okay Sara is totally fake-talking on the phone! I don’t buy it! Her parents are probably dead!

Ew Spencer talking about/implying her horny teenaged sex with Toby is creepy.  The writers are telling us she’s on a stimulant (adderall or something), but don’t those drugs make you LOSE your appetite? Or is it the weed she bought? 

This show needs to STOP with the May/December romances. Hell, the May 1982/December 1996 romances! Lorenzo is clearly MUCH older than Ali and, I know I sound like a broken record but, ITS CREEPY! No more! Please, ABC Family! Just give us more age-appropriate love interests!

Why is Emily SO hell bent on protecting Sara over Aria?! Her obsession with helping Sara is clouding her judgement!

Why doesn’t Aria just ask to borrow the picture because she thinks she knows the person in it rather than steal ALL of Clark’s work?!!

Oh wait are those weed-cookies?? Is that why she wouldn’t share with Hannah? I’m so confused about the significance of these freaking cookies! 

Update: I looked at Twitter and those cookies are in fact weed cookies. And she left them with another recovering addict to throw away for her, thereby tempting him instead of herself! How selfish!

Is it just me or did makeup use too much brow filler on Emily:

EMILY DO NOT BE THE STEREOTYPE AND GET A JAPANESE TATTOO! Haven’t you ever seen the buzzfeed on exactly that?!

Sara is like an anxious little squirrel! Emily needs to let her go!

WHY IS EVERYONE ACCEPTING CHARLES AS DEAD?! They all thought Allison was dead for YEARS, then Mona and now Charles?! Y’all know he’s not dead, right?!!

The ending scene of A brushing a wig on a tennis ball is supposed to be eerie but it’s HILARIOUS:


PLL-Game On, Charles

Yesterday should have been the day I posted this, but I am traveling for work and I mixed up my time zones so I missed the airing 2 nights ago.  Still on a work trip and in a rental car, I spent the better part of last night lost trying to find my way back to the hotel.  So now I am FINALLY POSTING a BELATED RECAP to the SUMMER PREMIERE!  Why was that in call caps? I don’t know! I know nothing, Social Snow.

At the top we start with a press conference starring Ali begging for privacy.  Did the reporter just say FOURTEEN girls???! Did A steal more?! DID I MISS SOMETHING?!

A few things off the bat struck me.  When Hannah uses the word “facetiously” Emily says “Wow Hannah, that’s an eleven letter word”.

I must be missing something because 1) that’s a really unnecessary and snide comment to make when you’ve been in this man-made prison for 3 weeks! 2) Emily’s math is NOT that good! I don’t buy it!

During the scene where the girls wake up undressed I hope you all were as creeped out as I was because WHO THE FRACK UNDRESSED THEM!? The girls seemed unperturbed by their lack of clothes and simply checked their bodies for wounds evidencing organ harvesting.  They were not concerned at all about Charlie’s Josh Duggaresque actions!

I want to know what the girls see when they go into their own rooms.  From looks on their faces and their reactions, the witnessed something graphically disturbing.  Maybe they saw their parents….nope, not gonna think about it! Moving on…..

ANDREW CAMPBELL is the prime suspect?!  Remember last season when I said he might be A? Oh you don’t remember? Good thing I hyperlinked it HERE FOR YOU! I called it! #PWNED

I don’t know who I just owned by predicting something so predictable but it felt good to say it. Now the question is, if he IS A, is he really Charlie or is he working WITH Charlie? Or is he fronting the money?

OMG THESE GIRLS ARE SO DUMB! SO MANY idiotic things happen that make me think they really have no sense of self preservation!

So they get into Charlie’s lab and instead of looking for internet access, phone, landline something to signal for help, they decide burning his stuff in the enclosed space in which they are standing would be a good idea. Nevermind, the carbon monoxide! Screw suffocation! Let’s “mess” with Charlie! Then Emily, realizing Charlie didn’t care, was like “let’s throw a blanket on the fire!”

Emily, you should have thought of that before! Between your letter counting off the top of your head, your college acceptances, and your killer dance moves,  you should be the one to stop the girls from doing stupid things. Or dance your way out!

At this point in the episode I’m waiting for them to die.  THEN Spencer holds a doll up to the camera and says “Give us Mona back!

GIVE US MONA BACK!? You finally have a tool to bribe your captor, the one who has control of your life and you use it to ask him to BRING ANOTHER CAPTIVE BACK!? Why not ask for your freedom?!! ASK FOR YOUR FREEDOM YOU STUPID GIRLS!

This other person in the dungeon, we later find out is Sarah Harvey, I was convinced it was Charlie in a wig….whoops!

The ending was surprisingly revealing! We got to see the girls reconnected with their significant others and Mona…stand alone awkwardly!  So is it safe to assume that Aria and Andrew are over? Probably not, remember when we thought Ezra was A and then they got back together? Yeah, with this show ANYTHING can happen!

UPDATE:  I was not the only one who heard “fourteen” instead of “four teen girls”! Apparently this was something a lot of people heard but rest assured, she said FOUR teen girls.