I’m actual really disturbed by Ezra being A. This show is no longer fun fodder but it’s the dark twisted tale of a sociopathic child molester and it makes me mad!

It kind of makes sense that Ezra CAN be A because he comes form a family of millionaires so he has the money. And a man who would do this MUST be a lunatic


But they never explain what the NET club is….

I also CANNOT handle how everything in RaveSwood is sepia toned! Is that whole show going to be like that?!

I love how this show all along was about a child molester obsessed with a gaggle of girls.

The episode doesn’t explain a whole lot because they still want us to watch the show, so there are still some plot holes.

But the moral of the story kiddies is, DONT TRUST A 25 YEAR OLD MAN WHO FALLS IN LOVE WITH A 16 YEAR OLD. I hope that’s your take away!

Pretty Little Liars-Bring the Hoe Down

This episode has a confusing title: Which Ho is PLL making the double entendre about? There are too many to pick from!

What are we supposed to go shopping for, things to wear while visiting my mother on a chain gang?!” Seriously, Hanna gets the best lines on this show.

There’s a school dance and it’s a hoe-down. Hence the title of the episode. Ugh. Sigh. PLL, c’mon, you’re better than that. JUST KIDDING you’re totes not!

Emily’s former supervisor at her volunteer job wrote her a college recommendation and it said: “Her spirit made my heart race“—–WHAT THE FUCK. That is not a “glowing” recommendation, that’s YET ANOTHER INAPPROPRIATE AUTHORITY-SUBSERVIENT RELATIONSHIP!

PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENTS TO UNDERAGE GIRLS WATCHING THIS SHOW: Just because someone is an authority figure does NOT mean that you should have sex with him!

Emily, there are people with real problems in the world and getting glowing recommendations is not one of them. Wait. Emily I’m sorry.“–Haha, I LOVE how Ezra SO ABRUPTLY changed his mind, like as he spat out his venom he felt immediate guilt, came to terms with it and was kind and apologetic.  I smell borderline personality disorder…..

Ok, A just left stacks on stacks on stacks (props if you get that reference, write a comment if you do) in Hanna’s locker?! What kind of disposable income does A have? And WHAT a waste!

Ahhh an obligatory piece of product placement, a Macy’s bag placed center stage so that we can see Macy’s is sponsoring this episode of PLL.

Why is Ezra tending bar at a school dance?! Oh her boyfriend is calling him out saying, “you gotta have better things to do on a Friday night.”

Unfortunately, he followed that up with “I know you’re hurtin”.  This episode is trying too hard with the cowboy theme.  THIS FRIGGIN SHOW IS TRYING TO HARD WITH THE ATTEMPTING TO MAKE ME GIVE A SHIT THEME!

I get that this is a very tense scene but I CANNOT take these clowns seriously:



So wait, CeeCee is one of the As? Or is the redcoat girl not associated with A? And what ever happened to the NET club!!??!!

I still think Allison’s mom is controlling the As…..

Pretty Little Liars-Getting Caught Up!

Is it just me or is this show becoming more and more like a daytime soap opera?

Between the egregious product placement, LONGGGG commercial breaks, and poor acting by attractive people, I feel like it’s 1999 and I’m watching Passions, wondering if the crazy yet stunning Theresa will ever win Ethan over…..And I am sure 90% of you don’t get that reference but if you do, kudos because it’s a wacky one!

Aria’s flavor of the week looks like a Channing-Tatum-wannabe but somehow even WORSE of an actor and awkward screen-presence. He keeps bumbling around the screen shirtless, dramatically raising his eyebrows more than necessary and attempting to smirk but instead it looks like the grimace of someone who ate too much protein and is now constipated.

SORRY, that was a lot.  My issue is that this show had poor acting and excessive soap-opera feel to begin with. Why add more?!  It literally PAINS me to watch some of these people attempt to act.


Jenna is found floating in a lake, eyes open like the dead. But she’s not dead. Which begs the question- why were her eyes open?!!!?!

Ok wait what?! Jenna was hit in the head, presumably by A, in a way to INTENTIONALLY prevent her from remembering something about A?!  THAT IS NOT POSSIBLE! YOU CANT JUST KNOCK SPECIFIC MEMORIES OUT OF SOMEONE’S BRAIN! 


WREN IS BAAACK! Apparently working full-time at Radley. He is SO lucky that he was able to complete medical school, start his residency in psychiatry apparently, AND FINISH IT in the matter of 4 years. He completed 8-10 years of education and work in 4.  Thank GOODNESS he lives in this magical fake world where stupid, unreasonable and illogical shit happens.

Emily is staying at Allison’s house in her old room?!?!? WTF?!?!!

Sorry it’s so chilly, furnace is acting up.” Allison’s mom says.  WHAT COUNTRY DO THEY LIVE IN THAT THEY NEED A FURNACE IN AUGUST!?!?!?!

EZRA ISN’T MALCOLM’S DAD! OMG! ZOMG! Malcolm is WHY he and Aria broke up! Will they get back together?! BUT WHAT ABOUT HER DOE-EYED NEW MAN-CANDY!?!?!

There’s a pretty brown chick on the show!

Allison’s mom is nuts and I am 89% sure THAT SHE IS A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I’m SERIOUS! She is wackadoodle enough to be A and she has access to all of Allison’s stuff so she could have learned all the girl’s secrets!

This ancillary storyline about Toby is getting old and I don’t care! Weird sheet music? Meh. It’s REALLY not compelling.

Spencer’s mom is talking to an unrepresented potential criminal defendant……. annnnnnd threatens to have her put behind bars…….”I have ways to see to it that you rot in a cell until your hair turns grey“–> LADY, you putting your career in jeopardy over a 16 year old girl. Now we know where Spencer gets her (lack of) PRIORITIES from!

Yeah guys, A is TOTALLY Allison’s mom! I REALLY THINK IT’S HER!

Allison’s mom knew she hung out with CC, a college co-ed?!  WHY WOULD YOU ALLOW YOUR 14-year OLD DAUGHTER TO HANG OUT WITH A 20-YEAR OLD!?!?!? DONT YOU QUESTION WHY A 20-YEAR OLD WOULD NEED A 14-year OLD FRIEND!?!?!! THAT IS SO INAPPROPRIATE!!!!!!!!!!!!