A Word (or 700+) On Body Image

I know you usually read my blog for my silly commentary on teen dramas, but I have a point to make after which I will throw my soapbox out the window and cry when I realize that I forgot to put my car in the garage and hope my insurance covers soapbox damage.

I have noticed a trend in America.  We love our extremes.  We either don’t eat at all, or we over eat.  We eat carbs or we are totally carb-free.  We do a paleo-diet or we do a juice cleanse.

Now we do this with the female body.  You are either “juicy” or “model-esque“.

All of these opposing views have me wondering:  Why can’t we celebrate the size 6-12s?

Why are there no runway models who rock their size 10 bodies for Karl Lagerfeld?  Because in America we value the extremes.  We love Tess Holliday, the model who started #effyourbeautystandards or we aspire to be a member of Taylor Swift’s model-posse.

Think about Pretty Little Liars. The actress that plays Allison DeLaurentis recently had to defend her weight gain to the public. The actress is neither obese nor underweight.  She is not a waif and she is not a plus-sized model and therefore she must defend her weight to the public, right?

Can we please stop body-shaming women who do not fit the two molds that media tells us are the 2 categories of women? Let’s stop commenting on their weight entirely.

I am guilty of this myself. A friend is trying to lose weight so when I see them and notice weight loss I proclaim “Omg you look so skinny!” It’s ingrained in me to think that is the most encouraging thing to say.

Conversely, my skinny friends are sensitive to this because they cannot help it, they are naturally thin and the constant comments on their weight is upsetting.  It reaffirms to them that they must be thin because they cannot be “curvy” or they get told to “eat a burger” as though one 1200 calorie indulgence will make them grow a butt or breasts (the only acceptable meat on a woman in our society).

Again, I am guilty of this. Because society says women should either be curvy or skinny so we envy the two extremes.

The point of me saying all of this is that I want to live in a culture where commenting on a woman’s weight is the last thing we think to do. Ha! Right, I know, almost as possible as Pretty Little Liars being realistic.  But maybe if you’re reading my blog you may consider this: You don’t know if the person whose weight your commenting on suffered (or suffers) from an eating disorder or body dysmorphia. Your comment about how “skinny” they look reaffirms to them that they did not look good before but that they look good now that they’ve lost weight.  They feel pressure to maintain that impossible standard and yes, one comment can cause someone to relapse and spiral.

Or, consider the friend who had unhealthy eating habits and is losing weight to be healthy and you comment on their weight loss.  Again, the comment implies to them that they were not good enough before. Now, instead of focusing on being healthy they are focusing on being “skinny“.

No, this won’t happen 100% of the time you comment on weight.  But let’s change the conversation in general because, ya know, #YOLO and whatnot.  Let’s encourage healthiness, fitness and set good examples for kids out there.  I think about my nieces and my cousins and I hate to think about them defining themselves based on society’s impossible beauty standards. I remember being a teenager and struggling with having curves but having a small frame.

If you read this blog entry and want to make rude comments because you’re “so cool and like she totes won’t know who I am” feel free.  Just be kind to the new generation and also, f**k off haters.

And if you read this entry and feel even SLIGHTLY empowered or encouraged, share it!

I wish I had something prolific to say to end this entry but this is more just a rant than anything else so…..

K bye.

PLL: Game Over, Charles

Let’s be honest, I fast forwarded this episode to the key moment where the hooded figure was unveiled.

This show is SO twisted.  CeCe is Charles and CeCe dated Jason….aka INCEST?!

So we are to believe that the DeLaurentises left Charles, a, what, 4-year-old child, to watch their infant daughter.  Then, when the daughter cried and the 4-year-old tried to draw a bath for his baby sister and Radley psychiatrists were like “oh totes, he’s totes a psychopath, let’s admit this small child.”?! NO. THAT DOES NOT HAPPEN!

Oh so Mr. DeLaurentis was anti-trans and that’s why he sent Charles away to a medical facility that approved his admission, makes sense #NOITDOESNOT

So did their mom pay for gender reassignment surgery? Or was that covered under their health insurance plan #itwasnt

Side note: Jason has terrible posture.

“I know what you’re gonna say, it’s screwed up that I dated my brother” Sibling consanguinity is, ya know….not a good idea.

“Cece’s the real wolf of walstreet, she never made a bad investment” –That’s how they’re going to explain the buttloads of money A has to do all this crazy stuff?  1. At what age did she begin investing and 2. What was her initial capital investment to become a crazy millionaire?!  I know, I need to keep my reality in state of perpetual….nonexistence when I watch this show, but I have so many questions!

“It felt great to succeed at something!”-THAT is CeCe’s explanation for continuing the game?! But she is a MILLIONAIRE, if that’s not WINNING, then what is?!

Sara has been in on it all along! I KNEW IT! She transitioned too well from Radley to Emily’s bed.

A always has an escape plan”-Then why were you in an underground bunker for 3 weeks, Spencer? Hmmmm?

This is actually somewhat heartbreaking, watching CeCe mourn her mom. Watching her spiral. That’s actually so sad. Sad emoji time 😦

Sara sounds…British when she barks orders at the girls.

Soooo…what now? We have this maudlin scene with the girls saying goodbye but then what? Is Charlotte in a high security prison?


A few people I’ve talked to have said they are very upset with the finale but honestly, I feel like this is the best way for it to end this season and be able to continue into other seasons.

What do you guys think??

PLL Last Dance Top Tweets #PLLMoms

The hashtag #PLLMoms has made this episode the best thing to happen to my twitter feed.

I have decided to post my favorites here so that we can laugh together at the hilarity that ensued once that bottle of wine was opened:

PLL: Last Dance

THIS Tweet tonight caught my eye and I cannot stop laughing:

While the title of this episode alone is ominous, the fact that they are attending prom is foreboding of terrible, awful, amazing things to come.

And I don’t entirely disagree.“–So Emily’s mom agrees?  Just needed to clarify that.

Twinkly lights! That’s what Emily said she wanted! A prom with twinkly lights! Stop bitching and accept your fate, girls! This is the price of being friends with Allison.

Oh hey, Allison’s 417 year old police officer boyfriend entered the scene looking old AF as per usual.

EWWWWWW Allison’s brother just asked her to prom! INCEST!

LOL @Aria’s mom saying she’s frustrated about Charles because she “need[s] a sandwich”. She might be hangry or she might have PTSD.

Spencer’s mom is a LUSH! She has this obnoxiously coquettish smirk and says “well, I’m not drinking” as she pours herself a hefty glass of cab. LOVE IT!

Caption Contest! What is Ezra thinking while taking this picture:


My guess? “Mmmmm fresh meat….smells like”...well I will let this famous quote from House Party finish that line for me.

Or maybe “This one is going in the spank bank”.  I’m not sure which one is more Ezra, ya know?

WHOA Hannah’s make up looks WACK! She is over bronzed and eyes are over-racooned!

Allison’s dress/look is my absolute, 100% favorite! She looks like cinderella+belle combined!

Emily, you cannot wear your own crown to prom, that’s…weird.  I guess these girls aren’t properly socialized so it’s not her fault. It IS a way to make your school yearbook’s worst dressed list.

IT’S CHARLES! THEY ARE AT THE HOUSE WITH CHARLES! Then who is at prom with Allison?? Bethanny?? Is she secretly alive??  I mean, I guess that could be the twist but how did they fake HER body?? HOW MANY DENTAL RECORDS CAN CHARLES AND HIS ENDLESS RESOURCES FAKE!?

CALEB IS AN INFORMATION RISK ANALYST!!!??! HE IS GOING TO MAKE ENOUGH TO COVER HANNAH’S TUITION AND RENT IN NYC?!  Listen, my friend was a DOCTOR in NYC and I know how rent there works. Unless these kids are going to move to the projects of NJ and pretend they live in NYC “because it’s totally just, like, a 30 minute drive” then this show IS BEYOND SUSPENDED REALITY! For some reason this part of the show is making me so angry!

CLARK is an undercover cop‘ she gasped in feigned surprised. Moving on….

“Shouldn’t we call the police?”–Emily, Toby takes umbrage to that as he says “No I already called for backup” aka SHUT YOUR MOUTH!

We had one job tonight, one. To keep them safe”-YES, MOMS OF WINE COUNTRY, you had ONE FREAKING JOB and you failed because you are self absorbed, terrible parents and I can only hope that DCFS takes over as you are ALL FAILURES.
